Acne Treatments Galway
Body Benefits offers Acne Laser Treatments, Acne Peels and the World’s Leading Acne Products here in Ireland, to maintain your improved skin at home!
A native of Galway, Ireland, and an Acne Sufferer herself, Jeanette is well aware of the psychological impact acne can have on an individual. According to Jeanette, it was the search for effective acne treatments in Galway, Ireland, that brought her into the Aesthetic Skincare Business twenty five years ago. Jeanette has been involved in bringing each new technology in the treatment of acne into Ireland over the years and has been on a variety of TV shows introducing new treatments and techniques. Jeanette launched the N-Light Acne Laser Treatment into Ireland over ten years ago but in more recent years, has brought newer technology such as Isolaz, Medical Skin Peels and Products such as the Clenziderm Range of Skincare into the Market, offering Irish Patients the most effective up to date Acne treatments available anywhere in the world.
Acne Treatments Galway Options
Isolaz Laser Acne Light Treatment
Obagi Medical Skin Peels
Image Acne Skin Peel
Obagi Clenziderm Skincare Range
What are Isolaz Laser Acne Treatments?
Isolaz treatment is a unique Acne Laser Treatment to help fight the root causes of acne and bring “CPR” rescue to acne sufferers:
C – Cleanse the pores
P – Purify from the inside out
R – Replenish the skin
Get an inside look at how it works.
Clear, Radiant Skin Can Be Yours!
If you´re frustrated with acne and wish you had clear, radiant skin – you´re not alone. In fact, over 60 million Americans alone suffer from acne and unfortunately; (no current figures for Galway or Ireland) many have had difficulty finding an acne treatment that works. No matter your age or skin type, Isolaz treatment is a revolutionary way to achieve deep pore cleansing and help you have:-
- a radiant, clear complexion.
- Significant decrease in number of acne spots
- Helps remove blackheads, oil, and debris
- Reduces pore size appearance
- Improves skin texture
Isolaz Acne Laser Treatment is the smart choice in the fight against acne.
The Isolaz Difference
Acne Hasn’t Changed, But How We Treat it Has

Before and After Isolaz Acne Treatments Galway
Through technological innovation, Isolaz therapy can effectively treat acne without lifestyle changes, oral prescriptions or a regimen of skincare products. Acne Treatments in Galway take place in the Body Benefits Clinic and is comfortable and reliable, giving you quick and long-lasting acne clearance. That’s the Isolaz difference.
Clinically Proven Acne Clearance
Clinical studies by leading dermatologists have proven the effectiveness of Isolaz to treat acne.
• Immediate results within 24–48 hours, including reduced redness, clearing of skin discoloration and immediate drying/ flattening of the blemish.
• Significant decrease in number of acne lesions (spots, pimples, pustules) and a decrease in the amount of oil production.

Before and After Isolaz Acne Treatments Galway
Successful on All Skin Types
Isolaz Acne Laser treatment targets deep into the pores and is FDA cleared for use on all skin types (light or dark). It is safe, reliable and effective as a standalone acne therapy or as a complementary treatment to other acne regimens (please consult your Isolaz treatment provider). Isolaz can even jump-start a topical treatment regimen by helping your skin absorb skincare products better.
Successful on Non-Responders to Other Acne Treatments
Isolaz Acne Laser treatment has been proven to reduce lesions by over 75% within 2 months for patients who have not responded to antibiotics, topical products or lasers.
Fast Treatments
Isolaz Acne Treatments in Galway Ireland, often take only 15 to 30 minutes! You can jump back into your life immediately after treatment with little to no downtime.
In a published clinical study, 100% of patients noted Isolaz Acne Laser treatments were painless.
Acne is caused by hormonal changes, for example, as children reach puberty the levels of androgens or male hormones increase. This in turn may cause the sebaceous glands, present in the hair follicle, to secrete an oil that forms a solid white substance called sebum. During puberty, skin cells in the follicle shed and mix with the sebum causing a blockage in the follicle. As more sebum is produced the follicle swells up. A bacteria normally present in the skin, called P.acnes, multiplies in the clogged follicle and results in an inflammation. This inflammation can cause acne lesions such as blackheads, pimples, nodules and cysts.
It is an inflammatory skin disease which affects the tiny pores which cover the face, arms, back and chest and the oil glands attached to them. It is an abnormal response in the skin to normal levels of the male hormone, testosterone, in the blood. Both men and women have testosterone circulating in the blood, but in the acne sufferer, this hormone has a profound effect on the skin. This abnormal response is self limiting and eventually acne does get better without treatment, but there is no way of predicting how long this can take, and it may take years or even decades! Acne can also leave scars which are permanent and are easier to prevent than to treat. In the skin, the disease attacks two structures: 1 the pore through which the hairs emerge from the skin -here dead skin cells become more “sticky” and partially block the pore. 2 The oil or sebaceous gland -more oil is produced, which gives rise to a generally oily complexion. The partial blockage in the pore restricts the flow of oil onto the skin surface. This results in solidification of the oil which fills the hair channel forming a blackhead. The black of the blackhead is not due to dirt, but a change in pigment in the blockage in the pore. If the partial blockage becomes complete, the oil builds up around the hair and hair root and becomes infected with bacteria normally present on the skin. The bacteria break down the oil to very inflammatory chemicals which cause redness, pus formation and pain -the “zit”. If the inflammation is deep and severe, or if the spot is manipulated or squeezed, the pus can burst deep into the skin rather than onto the surface. This deep-rooted inflammation and infection results in scarring and cyst formation.
When does acne start?
Acne is commonest in adolescents with a peak in the late teens. Acne may however, appear for the first time in the mid-twenties or even later and persists in a significant number of people into their 40s or even their 50s.
Does diet affect acne?
The simplest answer is no. No direct link has been found between acne and diet. The myth persists that chocolate and fatty foods make acne worse. In a very small percentage of people, these foods do make their acne worse, but in most people, diet is not important. A good balanced diet is, however, important for general well- being.
Does sex affect acne?
No. Although the sex hormone testosterone is the primary cause of acne you do not develop spots because you have too much of this hormone or are over-sexed. Masturbation and whether you have sex or not have no effect on acne and certainly do not cause it.
Is acne caused by dirt?
No. The black of blackheads is due to the pigment or colouring of the plug of “sticky” cells blocking the hair duct. In fact most people with acne wash more often than those without the condition, to try to clear away the excess oil produced by their skins. But over-washing can actually make acne worse by drying the skin and making it sore. Normal, regular washing with mild soap twice a day is all that is needed. If you have a combination skin, a non-oily moisturiser on the dry patches will not make the acne worse.
What about periods and the pill?
Many women notice that their acne gets worse 2 to 7 days before their period starts. The female hormone oestrogen, at high levels, can help alleviate acne. Many women notice a worsening of acne premenstrually, which is due to changes in hormone levels at this time. Pills that contain oestrogen can help acne, and progesterone-only pills (the mini pill) can make acne worse.
Will pregnancy improve acne?
Yes and no. Some women’s acne virtually disappears, but often recurs at the end of pregnancy while, for others, pregnancy heralds the reactivation of acne or the worsening of an existing condition.
Does sweating affect acne?
Yes. Up to 15 % of sufferers find their acne flares up when they have been sweating a lot. This is probably due to water swelling the partial hair duct obstruction causing a complete blockage and therefore inflammation.
Do humid atmospheres make acne worse?
Yes. Going on holiday to a very humid climate or working in an environment, such as a kitchen or steam room, can cause acne to flare up in the same way as sweating does. This is due to hydration and swelling of the ductal blockages which precipitate the inflammatory phase of acne.
Can medicines make acne worse?
Yes. Many medicines may do this, most commonly corticosteroids and anti-epilepsy drugs. If you think that medicines you are taking have made your acne worse, you should speak to your doctor. Never stop medication without medical advice.
Can cosmetics make acne worse?
Some cosmetics, particularly those from the USA and the ethnic Indian make-ups, may induce blackhead formation in the skin.
Certain hair oils or pomades, particularly those used to “defrizz” very curly hair, may induce blackheads and white heads along the hair margin. These should be avoided by those with a tendency towards developing acne.
In the same way, some people react to suntan oils with a worsening of acne. Always test suntan oils on a small area of the chest first to make sure you do not react to them.
Can clothes affect acne?
Continual pressure from headbands, tight bra straps and collars may cause spots in those areas of skin. The reason for this is unclear, but may be related to localisation of sweat in those areas.
Can work exacerbate my acne?
Yes. Coming into contact with cutting and mineral oils can cause acne-like spots on the arms and legs and make existing acne worse where the oil comes in contact with the skin.
To squeeze or not to squeeze?
If you squeeze blackheads or pustules, you may force the contents deep into the skin rather than onto the surface. If this happens you may be left with much worse scarring or cyst formation. For blackheads, invest in a comedone spoon (available from most chemists) which gets rid of blackheads with minimal trauma to the skin. Never squeeze a spot unless you can see pus. When squeezing, wash your hands beforehand and puncture the surface of the pustule with a sterilized needle before gently squeezing out the pus. If you squeeze until you see blood you may be left with a scar!
Scarring Acne can and does scar the skin and this can be very severe. Prevention of the scarring is achievable as long as the treatment is started at an early stage. Once the scars have formed, they are permanent and though plastic surgery and chemical peeling can help, the skin will never be the same again
Adult Acne on the rise
Just when you are noticing your first crow’s feet, a blemish is erupting on your chin. How can this be happening? If it’s any consolation, you are not alone. Dermatologists confirm what Professional Skin Care Therapists have noted over the years, the number of adults being treated for acne is on the rise. Recent studies indicate that 40-50% of adults in the age group of 20-40 years are diagnosed with low grade, persistent acne.
While the precise cause of acne is not known, researchers do agree that it is most likely the result of many factors including genetics, hormones, physiology, stress and the use of cosmetics. Individuals who are prone to acne outbreaks do tend to share a common factor, namely overactive sebaceous (oil) glands secreting a glut of oil. Ideally, the oil works its way to the surface resulting in merely oily skin. However, in individuals prone to acne, the cells that line the follicle (pore) shed off more rapidly and tend to adhere to one another.
This results in a small impaction or blockage, that reduces the air flow in the follicle (pore) creating a suitable environment conducive for growth of the bacteria ‘Propionibacterium Acnes’. As the bacteria digest the oil, fatty acids are produced that irritate the lining of the pore, triggering a process that results in a spot – either inflamed or non-inflamed. In order to control acne, we must prevent the disturbance within the pore by eradicating one or more of the underlying causes.
As Skin Care Professionals and Acne Treatments Specialists in Galway, Body Benefits assist our patients by educating them on how to prevent this process; we can help them control an excess accumulation of oil through Specialist Facial Treatments, and maintain a balance within the pore in which the acne bacteria cannot thrive. We discuss the importance of the use of suitable homecare products containing active anti-acne ingredients such as the Oil Control Range from Obagi and Image which includes Anti-bacterial Skin Washes, Oil Control Lotions, Skin Purifying Wipes, Oil Free Moisturisers and Oil Free Treatment Foundations with correction colours to disguise marks and blemishes often left as a result of acne.
Stress is often a contributory factor.
Every year one in three people experience some form of Skin Disorder that may be attributed to or worsened by emotional stress. Dermatologists and Skin Care Professionals alike have come to recognise that the skin is an organ of emotional expression. Chemical changes brought on by tension and anxiety may provoke acne, and this is often apparent with students leading up to and during exams.
Though the exact mechanism by which stress produces blemishes is still unknown, many research scientists believe that stress triggers the production of adrenal hormones that increase the production of oil which not only clogs up skin pores, but provides nourishment for Acne Bacteria. One needs to consider not only reducing stress to help control acne breakouts, but examining the everyday factors in our lives that may stress our bodies as well. For example, skimping on sleep may seem perfectly harmless, but it is one type of stress that can lead to acne. So can skipping meals and too much caffeine; both stimulate adrenaline production that slows the skin’s natural shedding process creating the perfect conditions for Acne Bacteria.
Fortunately, these stress – provoking elements that may promote acne, are to a large extent within our control; get more sleep, eat a balanced diet, indulge yourself in stress therapy massage treatments regularly and exercise to reduce stress levels. All of these lifestyle changes will contribute to not only a healthier lifestyle, but healthier skin.
For further information on Professional Acne Treatments and suitable homecare products, contact us at Body Benefits Cosmetic and Medical Skincare Clinic tel 091 567500