Restore Your Youthful Appearance
One of the common complaints I hear every day at Body Benefits, is that many patients ‘feel fine’ and ‘feel well’ however, their appearance really does not portray how they feel. The mirror often reflects back a tired, older or worn out appearance which may not depict a true picture of what they feel inside.
Life is a journey
If life is a journey from youth to old age, then We believe that our Youth Restoration Programme is a journey in the opposite direction – from older looking to more youthful and fresher appearance.
According to many of my patients, Restoring a more youthful appearance is truly life changing

After Volume Restoration

Before Volume Restoration
According to our Aesthetic Nurse Jeanette Haynes “what I see transforming when I am working with my patients is not alone their appearance …. but their self confidence. Both begin to improve together”.
At Body Benefits, our promise is not to totally change your appearance, but to listen to your concerns, address them with the modern tools and techniques available to us and to make you the, best ‘YOU’ that you can be! YOUTH RESTORATION is not about changing you, it is about enhancing you and generally freshening you. It is about limiting and repairing the physical damage that has come about as a result of the ageing process.
Our Youth Restoration Packages include:-
- Upper Face Enhancement,
- Mid Face Enhancement
- Lower Face Enhancement
- Full Face Enhancement
The GALWAY FACELIFT® offers a comprehensive package, which is designed, tailored and scheduled to suit each individual patient according to their age, aesthetic requirements, and budget. The GALWAY FACELIFT® package includes all of the elements of repair and enhancement listed below, however smaller less comprehensive packages are also available and are designed after a detailed consultation in our clinic.
The GALWAY FACELIFT® package includes –
G – Genuine Dermaroller Microneedling
A – Aluma -Radio Frequency Skin Tightening
L – Laser Skin Rejuvenation
W – Wrinkle Removal
A – Anti-age SkinCare
Y – Y– Lift Facial Volumising
These comprehensive anti-age procedures and treatments are carried out over a period of 3 to 6 months, depending on the package design and proximity of the patient to our clinic. Accommodation can be organised locally for patients travelling from outside Galway, and we are approximately 2 minutes walk from the city centre Bus Stations and Train Station. Payment plans can be organised with our financial expert and a variety of options can be discussed during a consultation.
Our Youth Restoration Programme is
- Natural looking
- Gradual
- Tailored to Suit You
- Beneficial to the skin and tissue
- Offers the latest, technology, products and techniques
- Provides Personal Expert Care
- Can include, the entire face, the neck, the chest and the hands
- Addresses skin quality, appearance, vascularity, environmental damage, elasticity and volume.
If you would like to look
- Naturally Better
- Younger
- Fresher
- Healthier
Then our Youth Restoration Programme is for you!
Are you unsure –
if you are a suitable canditate?
If you can afford the cost?
If it will fit your requirements?
If you will be comfortable with the procedures?
Have you questions?
Why not pick up the phone and book a comprehensive consultation where all of your queries can be answered and where you can meet our experts. There is a booking fee of €25 which is redeemable against any treatment booked on the day and which is fully refundable if 24 hours notice is given for appointment cancellation.
There is no pressurised selling, absolutely no obligation to book any procedures, just an opportunity to meet us and get information on how we can enhance and freshen your appearance. With 20 years experience, Body Benefits offers a professional, quality and trusted reputation and service as well as the most up to date techniques, procedures and products in the Aesthetic Industry today.